Together with Agrar- und Umweltservice Möllers GmbH, we have built a new biogas plant on the site of the Barbara barracks in Dülmen, close to our headquarters in Münster.
The manure from farmers and horse farmers in the region is processed into biogas here.
“This plant only processes manure from regional agriculture, and we feed the gas directly into the natural gas grid,” explains Philipp Bussmann, Project Manager at revis bioenergy GmbH.
In March 2020, we filled the plant for the first time and started trial operation – with complete success.
The first feed-in then took place on 20.03.2020.
Since March 31, 2020, our plant has been running in automatic mode with Thyssengas and is currently feeding approx. 350 Nm³/h of biomethane into the Thyssengas natural gas network.
The remaining tank construction measures, as well as the hall construction and remaining asphalt work, are currently being completed.
Full completion is planned for the course of April.
Please also take a look at the article in the Dülmener Zeitung from 06.03.2020 for more information: We are very pleased about the successful expansion of our company & look forward to future projects.