Production start at the Küstenkanal planned for fall – 60 new jobs

FRIESOYTHE The construction of one of Europe’s largest and most modern biomethane plants at c-Port on the Küstenkanal (Cloppenburg district) is entering its final phase.
“Everything is going according to plan so far,” says Simon Detscher, whose company revis bioenergy GmbH (Münster) planned the plant and is responsible for the construction as general contractor.
Commissioning of the first construction phase of the multi-million euro project is scheduled to begin by the fall.
“After around six months, we will reach the target output in 2024,” says Jan-Hendrik Friedrichs, Managing Director of nordfuel GmbH (Friesoythe), which will operate the plant. Technical architecture with highly efficient processes

Until the go-ahead is given for the processing of farm manure – i.e. dung and slurry – in a few months’ time, work on the construction site will continue apace.
Detscher: “The entire technical architecture of the plant is based on highly efficient processes. For example, a fully automated ‘feeding’ of the plant with manure via two cranes working in parallel is used and the fermenters are built according to our concept in order to achieve optimum results with reduced energy consumption.”
In the final expansion stage, nordfuel GmbH plans to feed around 690 GWh of biomethane into the grid each year and produce green CNG/LNG fuel.
The fuel will make a significant contribution to the decarbonization of heavy goods transport.
revis investment concept stands for sustainability
Looking back, Detscher is grateful that those responsible at c-Port have always supported the concept and implementation of the project over the past few years and that the exchange with the responsible authorities has always been constructive right up to the approval stage.
According to Detscher, the plant, which is being created with the concept developed by revis, is “a highlight for innovation in the northwest with its green products”.
The industrial plant is an example of the kind of sustainable energy generation that can be achieved in many places in Europe.
Looking back, Detscher is grateful that those responsible at c-Port have always supported the concept and implementation of the project over the past few years and that the exchange with the responsible authorities has always been constructive right up to approval.
According to Detscher, the plant, which is being created with the concept developed by revis, is “a highlight for innovation in the northwest with its green products”.
The industrial plant is an example of sustainable energy generation, as can be achieved in many places in Europe.
Up to 100 experts on site at peak times Niklas Hense, Master of Science in Bioengineering and jointly responsible for the construction of the plant with the revis team, still has an exciting few weeks ahead of him before production starts.
“At peak times, up to 100 experts from 30 specialist companies are working here. It’s one wheel turning into another,” says Hense.
“We have optimized the construction in all areas so that as little of the site as possible is sealed.”
Digitized process in processing The dimensions and technical complexity of the plant become clear in many places.
As an example, Hense cites the process of how the farm manure gets into the fermenters.
“The trucks drive over one of the input scales and a completely digitalized process determines where unloading takes place. This means there are no waiting times on the site.”
The delivered residual materials are then processed and pumped into the fermenters according to type.
Up to 1200 cubic meters can be moved per hour.
Hense: “At the end of the process is a modern biogas purification plant, which ensures that the quality of our end products is right.”
A total of around 50 kilometers of cable lines have been laid across the entire site for the technology, for example, so that all process steps can be monitored and controlled at all times.
60 employees with many qualifications Parallel to the construction of the plant, Jan-Hendrik Friedrichs, Managing Director of nordfuel GmbH, is ensuring that the structures for operation are in place.
“We will soon have around 60 employees here with numerous professional qualifications in the areas of plant operation, maintenance and administration,” says Friedrichs.
The first colleagues are already “on board”.
In addition, the construction of the administration and social building must be advanced and the entire logistics around the plant must be set up.
Goal: truck fleet with its own green fuel The goal is for the truck fleet that will be used to “refuel and run on the climate-friendly gas that we produce here ourselves”.
For this reason, the company is also building its own filling station on the 13.5-hectare nordfuel site, which “can only be used by us and our partners for licensing reasons, however.”
Friedrichs is certain that “in a year’s time, we will have a smoothly running plant here with the highest quality and safety standards”.
He is already looking forward to being able to show interested parties in detail during plant tours “how we succeed in making liquid manure and dung usable in such a way that it becomes green gas that plays its part in the energy transition in Germany”.
Figures – Data – Facts
  • One of the most modern and largest biogas plants in Europe on an area of around 13.5 hectares
  • Processing of approx. 1 million tons of farm manure (surplus manure and slurry) per year to produce green fuel in the form of LNG
  • Annual capacity: approx. 7,400 Nm³/h biomethane
  • Annual feed-in: approx. 690 GWh
  • 105,000 t/a of liquidCO2 is extracted
  • 8,000 t/a NH₃ green ammonia
Technical details:
The plant will use a variety of technologies that are coordinated in detail.
For example, a fully automated “feeding” of the plant with manure will be carried out by two cranes working in parallel.
Efficiently operated fermenters (energy input of < 55 kW per 10,000 m³) and effective purification technology (pressure swing adsorption) combined with a screw compressor system for liquefyingCO2 are particularly noteworthy.

Contact for media inquiries:

revis bioenergy GmbH Phone: +49 (0) 251 – 60 98 45 17 E-Mail:

They are responsible for the construction and operation of the biomethane plant on the Küstenkanal: Simon Detscher (left) Managing Director of revis bioenergy GmbH as project developer and Jan-Hendrik Friedrichs as Plant Manager of nordfuel GmbH